Score & Quality

6.9 BluRay


Home Is Calling
144 Minutes


Rating: PG-13

Once home to the most advanced civilization on Earth, Atlantis is now an underwater kingdom ruled by the power-hungry King Orm. With a vast army at his disposal, Orm plans to conquer the remaining oceanic people and then the surface world. Standing in his way is Arthur Curry, Orm’s half-human, half-Atlantean brother and true heir to the throne.

Nonton Aquaman


Jason Momoa


Patrick Wilson

King Orm

Dolph Lundgren

King Nereus

Ludi Lin

Captain Murk

Randall Park

Dr. Stephen Shin

Graham McTavish

King Atlan

Leigh Whannell

Cargo Pilot

Tainui Kirkwood

Young Arthur (Three Years Old)

Tamor Kirkwood

Young Arthur (Three Years Old)

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GDrive BluRay 480p 230 MB
GDrive BluRay 720p 1 GB
GDrive BluRay 1080p 3 GB
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